Dear Diary,
Recently, many families were singing for the rain to go away in PA. Thunder boomed. Lightening flashed. And rain poured down. Sometimes Mother Nature strikes in the middle of a road trip. Here’s how your family can stay safe and be prepared.
1. Get Travel Insurance: You never know when bad weather will strike, so expect the best and plan for the worse. If road conditions are unsafe, you’re less likely to risk driving if you can get a refund of your hotel accommodations or airline/attraction tickets. If at all possible, keep your kids at home and your car in the garage!
2. Log Online: If the rain falls when you’re already on the road, log onto a discount travel website. Hotwire and Priceline offer drastically reduced rates for hotels along your route. Some selections even offer children’s activities or other great amenities, like swimming pools.
Click here to check out more tips to navigate storms.
The post Rainy Road Trips appeared first on Diary of A First Time Mom.